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2025 Retreat
May 29 - June 1, 2025
Huston Camp & Conference Center, Gold Bar, WA

"What's the BUZZ?"

TIME:  Retreat begins Thursday, May 29 after 3 PM & ends after lunch on Sunday, June 1. You will be registered for 3 nights, but are not obligated to stay all of them. We have 32 rooms available which can accommodate 64 people, 2 to a room.

EXCHANGE:  The 2025 Exchange is a stitching project bag. The bag can be purchased or handmade. If you would like to participate, please bring a project bag and check in with Sue or Debby when you arrive.

SHOW N TELL:  Please be sure to bring stitching projects you’ve finished since our last retreat to share with others during Show ‘n Tell.

ACCOMMODATIONS AND LOCALE:  Camp Huston's covered walkways and the single level floor plan throughout make getting around very easy. Lodge layouts are such that eight people share one large bathroom (2 sinks, 2 toilets, 1 shower). All lodges have a common area with complete kitchen facilities and comfortable seating. There's adequate parking very close to housing.

Many of us take a break from stitching to enjoy a hike in the beautiful forest or to climb to the top of nearby Wallace Falls, while others go shopping in nearby Gold Bar.

STITCHING ROOM:  The stitching room is large and well-lit, and your supplies can be left there safely all weekend. It's open 24 hours – so LOTS of stitching time!

SHOPPING:  There will be shopping opportunities as well as a “Trash to Treasure” room.

HOUSING:  Double occupancy rooms (4 days/ 3-nights) are $394. Depending on the number of registrants, there may be single rooms available at a rate of $502 (4 day/3 nights). Single rooms won’t be assigned until April 15th. If you want a single room, please select the Single Occupancy option on the form and your name will be put on a "first come/first served" list. If there are any single rooms available on April 15th, one will be assigned to you.

Stitchers need to bring their own bedding and towels, although linens can be rented from Camp Huston at a cost of $20.00 for the weekend. Rented bedding includes towels, sheets, a blanket, a pillow, and pillowcase.

Please note your preferred roommate on your registration form. If you do not indicate someone, a roommate will be assigned for you. Roommates must indicate each other and be paid if full before the room is assigned.

MEALS:  Meals are served “family style” in Curtis Lodge. Great care is taken at Camp Huston to accommodate those with dietary needs. The registration form has space to indicate your special needs.

COVID Precautions: We will abide by the Camp’s policies at a minimum: At this time (January 2025), COVID testing is no longer required; however, if you are experiencing symptoms of any respiratory illness or you have been exposed to someone who has recently tested positive for COVID-19, Flu or RSV, please stay home. If while attending a conference or Huston event, you experience symptoms of a respiratory illness (i.e. Covid-19, RSV, Flu symptoms) you may be asked to wear a mask for the remainder of your stay and test for Covid-19 using an antigen test provided at no charge by Camp Huston. If your test comes back positive you will be asked to go home. Full details are on the Camp Huston website: https://huston.org/huston-covid-19-information/

Please note… you must be a member in good standing at the time of both registration and the event. Membership information can be found on our website: https://www.northwestsamplerguild.com/Membership.htm


Double occupancy: $394
Single occupancy: $502
LINENS (optional, rented from the camp): additional $20.00 per person. Includes towels, sheets, a blanket, a pillow and pillowcase.

Full payment is preferred with registration. You may pay a $75 deposit with your registration but must pay the balance by April 30th. If you are registering by mail, please let us know by email (Retreat@northwestsamplerguild.com) so we know what’s coming.

Registration is only complete when full payment has been made, either by check or by PayPal.

Registration Form and Payment

Registration opens February 1, 2025.

Download and either email or snail mail to us. The registration form can also be found in your January Newsletter.
You may pay with a check or Paypal.

Registration Form:
   - PDF format
   - DOCX format

Questions? Email us at retreat@northwestsamplerguild.com
Financial questions to Ann Meloy: Treasurer@NorthwestSamplerGuild.com

Pay with Paypal

Don't forget the linen charge if you're getting them.

Full balance due by April 30, 2025

Paypal users, please support the guild by adding $8.50 to cover the processing fee.


Contact Us

Questions? Need our snail mail address? Email us at retreat@northwestsamplerguild.com

The Venue

Camp Huston website

And here are some pictures of the facility: